Scary AMS Implementation Stories


Scary AMS implementation stories abound, and these are not for the faint of heart. These projects desperately need executive leadership and vision, or timelines or budgets can go quickly off the rails. Even in good circumstances, challenges can arise with personnel or due to financial considerations. Additional support may be needed during these types of initiatives to backfill for the responsibilities and roles of team members as they focus their efforts on the new software. While it’s not exactly an “abandon all hope, ye who enter here” moment, there are warnings that should be heeded and lessons for those who would truly hear.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The importance of effective communications at all stages of an AMS implementation.
  • The immense need to properly assess the investment of staff time and costs for these projects.
  • Input on initiatives from various team members should be actively solicited on an ongoing basis.
  • Even your health may be at risk! (Yes, a real-life case.)

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