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The Stakeholder Engagement Matrix

Provided & Sponsored By Quorum A robust policymaker engagement strategy can make all the difference, helping you to establish trust with new champions and nurture your existing relationships. With a strong strategy in place, it’s crucial to think about sustainability — how will you continue your engagement efforts with decision-makers beyond 2024? Scale your impact…

5 Strategies for Measuring ROI

Provided & Sponsored By Quorum Struggling to find ways to measure the effectiveness of your government affairs efforts beyond legislative victories? Explore five strategies to help you accurately measure the ROI of your team’s work and:  Unlock valuable insights about your team’s impact to power data-driven decisions that showcase your team’s value. Click here to…

Why Your Certification Program Isn’t Growing

Your association set up a certification program to establish the standard of knowledge, skills, and abilities required of professionals in your industry. As you envisioned your certification program, it would generate revenue, elevate the profession, and advance the careers of professionals in your field. Marvelous idea. Great vision. It’s certainly worked for other associations. But…

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