2021 Personalization at Associations Report


Dive deep into modern expectations for personalized digital experiences and learn how to bring them to life at your organization.

Did you know that approximately 63% of members expect digital content to adjust based on their behavior? And yet, only 25% of associations have plans to launch personalized communications in 2021. If you’re in the 3/4 majority, this report may make you reconsider your approach.

In recent years, e-commerce and online subscription businesses have introduced an environment where consumers have begun to expect a highly personalized experience from almost every digital interaction. This report is a collection of secondary research, insights, and takeaways designed to help associations introduce custom content and experiences in 2021.

And breathe easy - personalizing is not as difficult as you may think! In this report, you’ll discover the nuances of modern expectations for personalization. Expect helpful facts, stats, quotes, and insights that you’ll want to share with your CIO, marketing team, membership team, and content team. Finally, we’ll leave you with three takeaways for launching custom experiences for your members, subscribers, and partners.

What’s Inside:

  • Explore personalization preferences by generation, industry, and channel.
  • Unpack issues contributing to stagnating membership.
  • Uncover opportunities for associations to compete in an environment where customization is king.
  • Discover three ways associations can introduce more personalization for members,
  • subscribers and partners.

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